It can be difficult to sell your first home, it is called your “home”. You may have built your life there and can’t bear to see it end. But, here at OurTown, we’d like to supply the necessary information for any seller when selling their first home.
1. Make sure you’re ready to let go
Selling your first home can come with a lot of emotional baggage, and overall isn’t easy. You’ve likely spent a lot of time here and may not think you’re ready for such a drastic change. But these anxieties and apprehensions are normal and a part of the process when selling your home. It can be easy to think you’re not ready when you just need that push to convince you to sell your home.
2. Focus on Curb Appeal
The quality of the inside of your home is a given when selling your home, but what 76% of real estate agents agree on is the public appeal boost that curb appeal supplies. Curb appeal is the area in front of your home, and such upkeep is important when selling your home. Forms of curb appeal improvement include:
Basic Yard Care Service
Scatter Fresh Mulch
Fresh Coating of Paint on Front Door
While this improvements do not to much for the appraisal of your home, they can interest buyers before they’ve ever seen the inside.
3. Get ahead of repair requests with a prelisting inspection
We, at OurTown, reccomend that you buy a home inspection before they list their house, to ensure that they can get ahead on any repair requests. Long repair lists can turn off a lot of buyers and even give them more power when negotiating prices. It’s important to maintain your house during this period to ensure getting as close to your asking price as possible.
4. Treat your agent as a partner, not an employee
When dealing with your agent, such as our wonderful agents here at OurTown, it is important to not go in with a “my way or the highway attitude”, it is a partnership, an agreement to each other to help sell this home. Remember that your agent chooses you, just as much as you choose the agent. You shouldn’t take a passive approach either, it is important to communicate with your agent. Make it a point to contact a least once a week to hear about buyer feedback, market updates, and response rates on ads that you may be running.
Selling your home can seem overwhelming and scary at first. But at OurTown, we don’t believe it should be, and we will do everything in our power to assist when you’re selling your home too!
Source: Homelight